

background info

I’ve worked in creative fields for many years. I love to build physical systems using circuits & software, which sense and respond to our relationship with a physical world. I focus on ensuring that hardware devices integrate with everyday objects seamlessly. 

I am an Instructor of Computer Science at Dalhousie University in beautiful Nova Scotia. Previously, I was an Interaction Design Lecturer at the Innovation School (Glasgow School of Art). I was awarded a 4-year scholarship from EPSRC to complete a PhD in Media & Arts Technology, Queen Mary University of London. My research has focused on forgetfulness, embedded systems and HCI.

Using an experience-centred approach, I created object-based memory aids that emerged as a result of investigating the design processes for smart objects.

I love to build physical systems using circuits and software. How can we create a system between the physical world and us, to sense and respond?

Other interests involved investigating assistive technologies, predominantly for people with a visual impairment. In a previous life, I made iOS apps, created multi-sensory engagements, and worked collaboratively with artists receiving Arts Council and British Council funding. I’m exploring a human-centred approach with the aims of enhancing our lived experience through slow technology.

Always a shout out to my teacher back in my school days, Mr Mousseau, and my late Uncle John. They were inspiring with their uses and teaching of technology. 

the philosophy

“Human-centric computing with real-world application... prototyping as I go!”

A big part of my drive comes from making prototypes that satisfy both practical and aesthetic needs.

The Blurb

Ph. Dork (QMUL) • lecturer MDes Innovation Interaction Design at The Glasgow School of Art • assistive technology • distributed cognition • forgetfulness • iOS • interaction • physical computing • prototyping• circuit design • popcorn eater

projects and prototypes


Less Practical and more fun?

Some prototypes are great for learning new skills or components and techniques. Not everything has to be for a serious purpose and this fun bracelet is for show. It was also education, learning new skills, amd sewing & soldering challenges!

Other Projects

A lot of my PhD research centred around systems for forgetfulness. I was studying smart objects and the value they can bring. During this time, I made a lot of prototypes.

The research is ongoing. Initially, the work was studied and created for people who feel they are forgetful - like myself. Through developing these electronic 'forgetful' bags, I discovered that I didn't want to stop making bags!

This 1950's upcycled handbag has an RFID reader embedded and lights along the front that show you what corresponding items you haven't packed.