Digi-Key Maker Project Lab: Feature 🤩

Digi-Key Maker Project Lab: Feature 🤩

Very excited to see a tweet from @digikey and one of my little projects is in it! I made some fabric from bubble wrap to recycle it and then used the fabric to create a bling bag – a bag with RGB LEDs that I programmed to control with the Adafruit GEMMA M0. You...
Coming Soon… 💙 wearable technology book

Coming Soon… 💙 wearable technology book

I’m excited to share that I’ve been working very hard under the radar on a book! Part of that involves creating new and inspiring wearable designs that you can make too. I’ve been writing a book all about wearables and I hope you love it. Head over...
Yellowooowowooo OLED!

Yellowooowowooo OLED!

This super cool little OLED screen, 128 x 32 is YELLOW! I haven’t come across the yellow ones before and I’m a big fan of the blue and the white ones. They are super versatile. Lovely yellow OLED sponsored by Pegg Industries Also, very easy to program. I...
TFT Tips, how to get your TFT to work for you!

TFT Tips, how to get your TFT to work for you!

Hey – So I’ve been using the lovely TFT screens for some projects lately. Have you used these before? I’m using this one, so this information is specifically for that device. https://www.adafruit.com/product/2088 Adafruit 1.44″ Color TFT LCD...
Getting your shiny new ESP32 ready to use with Arduino

Getting your shiny new ESP32 ready to use with Arduino

To use the ESP32 board we need to do a few steps first. First make sure you have an Espressif ESP32 board (have a look around, they can cost around £8 – £15)Arduino already installed on your computer.The right USB cable to connect your board to your computer...