Jul 2, 2014 | Uncategorized
Super fun for folks with an old pizza box lying around and who want a cheaper version Oculus Rift! Cardboard is a project from Google, to help you make your own! Read about it here, more information taken from Laughing Squid: Cardboard is a simple experimental project...
Mar 13, 2013 | Events & Talks
“USE THEM OR DO SOMETHING ELSE” Details about the conference and presentations. Website with proceedings and information. Published paper: Message Bag: Can Assistive Technology Combat Forgetfulness? on ACM, so membership may be required. This is a look at...
Oct 12, 2011 | Projects, Selected Portfolio
Yo! Create (iOS App), Oct. 2011 An app to help creativity, through the use of exercises and activities to try. Coded in Xcode.The app needs work and a lot of additions still but was an initial idea to try to incorporate ideas about creativity, and idea generation...