Visit the Collection of Glitches on OpenSea. Here are a couple of glitched bando images.
I have an NFT collection of the beautiful abandoned places I’ve visited in Scotland.
This is my CryptoBando collection. But in the spirit of NFTs which can be very active and visual, ~I have also created an NFT collection of Glitched Abandoned buildings. These are all original photos and have animation or effect of some description.
It will be a collection of 500 available. Also, they are priced to be shared, so ranging from $3.50 – $17 at current ETH (0.004) prices / value.
Please check it out!
Urban exploring is a great hobby.
Be sure to always follow the unwritten rules when exploring these precious abandoned buildings. Don’t disturb anything, and don’t take anything. Be careful not to damage the properties. You want other explorers to be able to enjoy it as you found it.
#urbexing #urbex #explore #scotland #abandoned #glitch