Installing a plugin for your WordPress site is a great and easy way to be sure it’s as accessible as possible. I’ve installed WP Accessibility and it monitors the site and lets me know as I’m inserting images what are the potential issues.

Installation is quick and easy, the same as other plugins, just go to the Plugins menu > Add New

and then I did a search for “Accessibility”. Then you only need to click the install button, and once installed successfully you can then activate it.

plugin install image

Once installed be sure to access the settings for it, which are in the Settings > WP Accessibility menu

If you take some time to look through the options and then enable some to try and adjust as it suits your needs.  Below is an image of the main initial settings I adjusted – which added an accessibility bar on this site so that a user can choose how they prefer to see the site.

Plugin Settings

My site has quite small text but with the accessibility bar on the right-hand side, a visitor can now choose to have this enlarged, the image shows the larger text now that changes all the posts, making it easier to read.

text enlargement