Re-writing Freud (touch screen kiosk edition), 2005 Arts Council and British Council funding received. This was first exhibited in the exhibition Un Art de Lectures, in Rennes France. It has since toured Scotland, London, Leeds and an electronic festival Prog:Me in Brazil. I created the technical aspect to the work, including the choosing of the kiosk, the installation and programming.

A wall mounted touch screen kiosk, first shown in Rennes, France in Un Art De Lectures / An Art of Readers curated by Yann Serandour.

This program re-wrote the entire book, The Interpretation of Dreams, but in completely random order. It was different every time it was re-written and you had the choice to print the page you were writing or to print the entire newly written book at the end of the program cycle. It took the program roughly 3 days to write the book completely. The kiosk could be seen initially on pause, and it would enable the viewer to pause / play the work. It was important to add some form of interaction for the user. In a way they would feel they had the ability to create their own individual pages of Freud’s words.

I wrote the program in Lingo at the time, using DirectorMX as it seemed a good choice for the interactivity and the platform from what was available to me. It formed a bulk of my MSc study to look onto interactivity and what ideas were around at the time as well as ways to display this information in a gallery setting. From that work, it wrote one complete copy that we documented, and it was made into an edition of the book, Re-Writing Freud.

Galerie Art & Essai, Université Rennes 2, 16 mars-15 avril 2005. Inauguration le 15 mars 2005 à 18h30
Avec David Bunn, Claude Closky, Nico Dockx, Rainer Ganahl, Rodney Graham, Raymond Hains, Jonathan Monk, Simon Morris, Allen Ruppersberg, Joe Scanlan,, Klaus Scherübel, William Wegman
Publications de Barbara Bloom, David Bunn, Claude Closky, Meg Cranston, Rainer Ganahl, Rodney Graham, Raymond Hains, Sol LeWitt, Gilles Mahé, Jonathan Monk, Simon Morris, Hermann Pitz, Richard Prince, Allen Ruppersberg, Klaus Scherübel, Buzz Spector…
Commissaire : Yann Sérandour
>> vues de l’exposition (exhibition views)
>> livret de l’exposition (pdf 987 Ko)