This is a bit of a retro post for me. I wanted to capture some of the Apps and Hats show that myself and the lovely Hattie did. This was back when the iPhone was first launched and the App Store was just getting started.
Apps & Hats is a quirky iPhone application review show. Every other week the girls (Christine and Hattie) will review iPhone applications within a wide range of categories.
The 6-minute videos will be aired every 2 weeks. Each episode will have a particular item of fashion highlighted. From Victorian Corsets to suits or uniforms. The girls will each choose an application within the same category, Hattie finding you a free one and Christine checking out if one is worth your cash.”
That was the blurb from the show. We were on a site called Mevio who hosted the videos back when they were published. Mevio has since closed but at the time we published regularly every 2 weeks and produced a 1-minute ‘teaser’ the week before. We produced a physical paper Calendar as well!