Digi-Key Maker Project Lab: Feature 🤩

Very excited to see a tweet from @digikey and one of my little projects is in it! I made some fabric from bubble wrap to recyc

Make your boards easy to prototype with!

This is super fun and doesn’t take much time to do. It makes your circuit boards ready for prototyping! Adding different

Not just an LED badge – a fabulous find!

You are going to love this – and probably buy one! 484 LEDS!!! What is it? This is an LED badge – but it has a mag

Yellowooowowooo OLED!

This super cool little OLED screen, 128 x 32 is YELLOW! I haven’t come across the yellow ones before and I’m a big

UV nail resin for strength in wearables

Nail resin can keep your connections strong! Making wearable projects are super fun and challenging. This is a super quick pos

A perfect match. In the wild interventions & Peri Page.

What is it? The PeriPage is a little bluetooth printer that you can carry around in a bag (or a very large pocket). The PeriPa

How to make neopixel jewellery, a colour sensing, fun wearable

This super fun toturial has now moved home and live on Instructables. Please leave any questions or comments! All items for ma

Lockdown Arduino. How to Create a Chain Reaction across the internet.

Chain Reaction was an idea for a project by Mil Stricevic at The Glasgow School of Art. Over the course of the week we provide

Flickering Flames: Deadbugging an ATTiny

information This is a guide that brings together a series of guides and information I discovered when looking for fun projects

OLED & Arduino Heaven

I posted images online of prototypes I had been working on, and Marcelo Souza commented about trying an OLED. I had thought ab

Travelling Christine : Postcards

Apps & Hats: The quirky online show reviewing iPhone apps

Concept created early 2009 and the first episode aired in March.  We were a “Quirky online show reviewing iPhone applic