Nov 17, 2021 | Tutorials & Guides
Nail resin can keep your connections strong! Making wearable projects are super fun and challenging. This is a super quick post to document that typically I use nail varnish to cover my sewing knots. This is a good solution but for some of my joins with thin (very...
Oct 12, 2021 | Tutorials & Guides
This super fun toturial has now moved home and live on Instructables. Please leave any questions or comments! The finished item… though I’ve now added a lace ruff to create a completed piece. All items for making the wearable are available from Tinker...
Oct 22, 2015 | information
Exciting news! I have launched ilyware for pre-orders in anticipation of the Launch Collection 2016. I am currently offering lower pricing for early interested adopters. The pre orders will enable me to further my research as well as get the products off the ground...