Jan 11, 2009 | Projects, Selected Portfolio
Concept created early 2009 and the first episode aired in March. We were a “Quirky online show reviewing iPhone applications”. We wear unusual clothing items from Victorian to sharp suits. Video Webcasts show there is a lack of females in the UK presenting...
Mar 11, 2007 | Projects, Selected Portfolio
Sucking on words Kenneth Goldsmith (Documentary Film), 2007 Film work has included editing a film on New York based poet Kenneth Goldsmith: Sucking on Words. The film was screened at Shandy Hall in Coxwold, UK, where Lawrence Sterne wrote Tristram Shandy, and in...
Mar 11, 2005 | Projects, Selected Portfolio
Re-writing Freud (touch screen kiosk edition), 2005 Arts Council and British Council funding received. This was first exhibited in the exhibition Un Art de Lectures, in Rennes France. It has since toured Scotland, London, Leeds and an electronic festival Prog:Me in...
Jan 1, 2005 | Projects, Selected Portfolio
Re-writing Freud (book), 2005 Arts Council Funding This is a book that was written from the algorithm created for the re-writing Freud 2005 initial version of this artwork in the Art of Readers exhibition. The program ran through an entire cycle, resulting in the book...