Sep 23, 2021 | information
I’m a big fan of the TS80. I got the TS80 soldering iron as a gift a couple of years ago, and I can’t remember life before it. It’s still my go-to soldering iron, even when I don’t need portability – which is the main feature of this...
Jan 8, 2018 | information, Uncategorized
(head over to ilyware to see the site) I’ve been working on my electronic handbags for a long while. Now I’ve been focusing on creating unique handmade handbags and accessories to sell through ilyware to help further the development of my circuits. These...
Sep 21, 2015 | Events & Talks
It’s been another crazy maker weekend – this time a creative Creator Fair at the Space Centre in Leicester was hosting a creative weekend with makers from around the country. I was showing some of the message bags I’ve been working on over the last...
Aug 19, 2015 | Events & Talks
Hey I’m really excited to say that I’ll be bringing some of my stuff over to the Creator Fair at the National Space Centre in Leicester which is happening on September 19 & 20th 2015. It’s an event to showcase some of the creative and interesting...