As part of the Being Human Festival, I was involved in the technical support for the Sonic Bodies installation. This is a project by Maria Kapsali. It brings together Sonolope and some new explorations. Bringing sculpture to visually impaired people was one of the overarching goals.
‘Pan’, and ‘Kiss’ were prepared based on artworks that were present in the gallery. These pieces were then sonified. They are created into experiences through movement. This was done through Sonolope.
More about the project and Being Human can be found:
and written up at The Wilberforce Trust who supported this project:
Throughout November 20-24th 2018.
From Leeds University,
“As our primary encounter with art is often limited to seeing, Sonic Bodies aims to directly involve the other senses and create a playful and intuitive experience free of cultural expectations and notions of expertise.
Using custom software on mobile devices, the activity offers two innovative ways to explore art through listening and moving: one involving the whole body and the other using only the hand. Both ways are suitable for all ages and abilities.
During the event, each hour is dedicated to a different exploration.
For those who feel compelled to reach out, those who – either by necessity or choice – keep their eyes closed, those who want to play, and those who can’t keep still.”