Nov 29, 2020 | Tutorials & Guides
information This is a guide that brings together a series of guides and information I discovered when looking for fun projects. It uses deadbugging to create a stand-alone functioning circuit. This is based on the beautiful project on Tinker Log for a ‘geeky...
Oct 9, 2019 | Tutorials & Guides
I posted images online of prototypes I had been working on, and Marcelo Souza commented about trying an OLED. I had thought about it before but the ones I had looked at (or even ordered to play around with) all were relatively expensive. If I wanted to incorporate one...
Nov 5, 2016 | Uncategorized
Full details on Send a postcard Here’s a chance to surprise your friends or family and send them a postcard from York. What I’ll do is: buy a postcard (I’ll go to a shop in York, supporting local business of my choice, like a tourist)...
Jan 11, 2009 | Projects, Selected Portfolio
Concept created early 2009 and the first episode aired in March. We were a “Quirky online show reviewing iPhone applications”. We wear unusual clothing items from Victorian to sharp suits. Video Webcasts show there is a lack of females in the UK presenting...